Intro to The Polson Perspective


I am glad you are here! I hope you enjoy a great conversation getting a different perspective on life. I have learned from many other people who had experiences they shared with me. When I talk to other people, I have found that many people just don’t know what they don’t know. I have had the honor to share what I have learned from others so it may help them.

This is my goal!

I hope to help as as many people possible to share my knowledge and experiences with others. I am going to be the first to tell you, I DO NOT know everything! But I tend to know a little about a lot of different things. I think by sharing things that could help us in our daily lives can make us all better. “Knowledge is Power!” I am never beyond learning! We always can learn something from someone. Learning from others is what can help us as we learn on our own.

I have had so many conversations with friends, family, co-workers and complete strangers. These conversations are something that I hold near and dear and have always been thankful for them. I think conversations are something that are becoming less and less. We tend to use our devices to text or communicate on social media. On those platforms, we lose the human interaction our human touch. The skills of actual listening and speaking to others is not what it used to be.

There are so many amazing people out there and I want the world to see that! People have taught me so much about life that should be shared. I want you to learn more about the world and the fascinating people in it.

I hope by joining me in this journey, in a way could help you be a better person that you intend to be and help provide you with a perspective you may have not had before.